Saturday, January 22, 2011

JAM Camp

It has been a full week of camping. Many schools and churches around the Cape Town area hire JAM to facilitate camps on their base. Wednesday 160 10th graders from Cape Academy arrived and spent 3 days with us learning about leadership as well as the importance of communication and how to work together as a team. Cape Academy is a goverment funded school for excelling low income students. These kids were awesome! We set up different challenges for them to overcome as well as an obsticle course. I got the priviledge of leading the obstilce teams through the course which was a blast. It was also very tiring as we were hikings, and running, and climbing down rope ladders, ext, ext. Cape Academy is not a Christian school however they did agree to allow a time for JAM to share about who we are and why we do what we do. So the cross of Jesus and His gospel was proclaimed to 160 10th grader whom most were muslim. Pretty powerful stuff. The camp lasted until Friday and included a trip down the mountain to the beach, a talent show and some other talks on diversity and such. Hanging out with these amazing South African youngster was a honor and an opportunity I am grateful for. One thing that blew me away was the influence that the music culture from the States has on these kids. Also, their ability to dance and how much they enjoy singing.

Friday night a new group of campers from a different school arrived. About 200 12th graders this time. Today we took them through many of the same exercises including the obsticle course. This time I was assigned to taking groups on a hike to the cross where Git, Lisa and I briefly spoke about the cross of Jesus Christ and the story that went along with the this specific cross that JAM had planted a few years ago. The view of the ocean and mountains from this particular spot demands for praise to the one who created it! It's absolutely spectacular and beautiful. For the first time in my life I spoke in front of many people without fear, sharing with them the power that is found in the cross and how Jesus has given me life. What an honor to speak on Christ's behalf. A 17 year old dude named Erns came up to me after lunch and we had an amazing conversation about the Lord. I can't tell you how blessed I feel today and completely filled with joy. Tomorrow I have been asked to share my testimony with the camp during the church service that JAM is going to put on. This is fun:) All glory to God!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

JAM's Mission

A week in the books now serving in South Africa and it has been great! I love being on a team working towards a common goal. Especially with a bunch of people who are filled with the love of Christ. At times I've wondered why I feel closer to God when I'm in South Africa. However, when you read your bible more, and pray more, and serve more, and give more, most likely you're going to sense the Lord's presence a bit stronger. It's really no mystery. Cultivating your relationship with Jesus equals more intimacy with Him. "I have set the Lord Continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will dwell securely." Psalm 16:8-9

The majority of the past week's activites have included team building (JAM Staff), Campsite work/preparation, and hours of planning for the upcoming year of 2011. I've really enjoyed serving JAM and have further developed relationships with the JAM Staff.

Our team building activities so far have ranged from devotionals in the morning, to prayer and worship in the evenings, to trips down to the beach and a trip to go see Guliver's Travels in town. It's been great getting to know the staff better. This group of young people love eachother so much. It's awesome to watch as well as be apart of.

Apostle Battery is the name of the JAM headquarters and is located right above Llundudno Beach (seriously google Llundudno beach). It is and old world war 2 base that hasn't been remodeled. There are improvement needed however everything works. I've helped with deep cleanings of the bathroom, kitchen, and dining hall. We've cleaned out 3 storaged rooms which has included many trips to the dump/recycling center. I've also helped with cleaning out living quarters and carpeting them. Serving Jesus by serving JAM is why I'm in South Africa.

There have been countless hours of planning for the year. daily schedules, monthly outreaches, things that didn't work last year, things JAM can improve on, topics of training, and the list goes on and on. I've added my two cents here and there but for the most part just watched and learned. Git and the staff are really growing in this area and I'm very impressed with the amount of planning they've done. Things are organized and ready to go as the JAM year students are already starting to arrive. One suggestion or idea that I contributed and has been adopted is team exercise! Every Monday morning they're going to work out together. P90X has taken over the world lol.

My favorite meeting of the week was our vision meeting. Here JAM's mission statement was clearly layed out. "To disciple and train young Africans in becoming godly servant leaders who can impact their communities for Christ." JAM dreams big but builds small. They are passionate about making self replicating disciples. They are unique in Africa by focusing/developing young leaders as well as selecting small villages throughout their country to bring the light of Christ. I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity to be apart of this disciple making movement and thank God for allowing me the priviledge to serve Jesus with JAM. Lots of love from southern hemisphere!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

South African Hospitality

My first real day here in SA (south africa) has been great as I have been warmly welcomed repeatedly. This morning (Sunday) we went to a church in Hout Bay and worshiped with some awesome people. It was relaxed and free. Worship was inviting and the teacher taught right out of the gospel of John. Much of the explanation of the passage (John 2:1-11) admittedly came from Tim Keller lol(Lord of the wine) and was solid as expected. 10,000 miles away from home on the complete opposite side of the earth yet Jesus was being lifted up and the word of God proclaimed in the same Spirit. He is really big!
After church I was invited to a classic Duvenhage S. Africa BBQ, or braii. Duvenhage is Git's last name and his whole family came to fellowship. Pastor Why (Git's father) started JAM and Git along with his new beautiful bride Mignon are leading the organization. Chicken, sausage, vegebale salad, potato salad, and rolls were served. Then for dessert we had ice cream and cake with coffee. Did I mention that this braii is taking place on a mountain over looking Llandudno beach which could be one of the most beautiful places in the world? Not exactly roughing it yet but that time will come. Everything was delicious! The coolest thing about the afternoon however, was to again watch the Duvenhague's love and serve eachother. Their affection towards one another was genuine and it was evident that they really enjoyed spending time together. I felt blessed to be able to spend time with them.
So.... I'm all set up here at JAM headquarters and I'm excited for the next month of training. I have a humble bed, a toilet and shower as well as electricy so things are good. I've met the Nunley's, a family from Kansas City who have come to serve with JAM and are to be stationed in Hout Bay for the next 3 years. They have 2 awesome sons Anthony and Pierce who are 12 and 10. I've also made a friend named Spenser who is from Salinas, CA. He is 18 years old with a heart that is passionate for the Lord. I see Jesus in this young man and his faith is incredibly contagious. Spending time with the Duvenhague's and my new American friends has made the first couple days of transition much easier. My heart still aches when I think about my family and being 10,000 miles from them, but Jesus is with me and I lack nothing. Blessings!